(A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking)
CIN No.:U40102OR2004SGC007553
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Cyber Security



  • OPTCL is the only utility to have the ISMS 27001:2013 Certification for Certified for the Data Centers of OPTCL, GRIDCO & SLDC along with the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Main Control Centre (MCC) & Backup Control Centre (BCC) of SLDC.
  • OPTCL has an ISMS Internal Audit Team with ISMS Certified lead auditors for conducting the ISMS Internal Audit.
  • OPTCL has formulated 21 nos of Policies, 10 Procedures and 114 Controls for its Networking and Cyber Security Infrastructure as per the guidelines of ISMS (Information Security and Management System) Standards.
  • OPTCL ensures the closure of all the advisories from the nodal department i.e. CERT-In. By continuous follow up of ISMS implantation in OPTCL, a secure access of IT services in OPTCL Network is being ensured.