Page last modified on : 01/Nov/2021 11:54
IMPORTANT WORKS OF RT&C(Regulation,Tariff and Commercial) Wing of OPTCL
RT&C Wing of OPTCL acts as the nodal department of OPTCL related to Electricity Regulation, Tariff and Commercial matters. RT&C represents OPTCL in OERC, CERC, APTEL, ERPC and other such fora.
Major Activities of RT&C:
- Filing of ARR (Aggregate Revenue Requirement) of OPTCL each year by 30th of NOVEMBER before OERC for fixation of Tariff for OPTCL.
- Performance Review of OPTCL before OERC.
- Preparation and filing of 5 Year Business Plan for respective Control Period in OERC.
- Truing up of ARR.
- Defends OPTCL’s interest in electricity related matters in various fora.
- Filing of various Case/Review Matters before CERC/OERC and Appeal before APTEL, New Delhi, High Court and Supreme Court of India in Tariff and regulatory matters for and on behalf of OPTCL.
- Compliance of various Licence conditions.
- Filing of TT (Transmission Tariff) Application of OPTCL before CERC for inter-state transmission lines (ISTS) of OPTCL.
- Filing of 5-Year Transmission Plan for OPTCL.
Additionally, RT&C wing also takes up other works like:
- Monthly Transmission Billing and raising of invoices to LTOA Customers (Intra-state) i.e. DISCOMs (TPCODL, TPNODL, TPWODL & TPSODL) and CGPs (NALCO, IMFA & BEL).
- Monthly Transmission Bills of Inter-state Transmission Customers like CSPDCL.
- Represents OPTCL in Commercial Sub-Committee Meetings of ERPC, Kolkata.
- Coordinates with Power Grid in matters related to settlement of inter-state wheeling Charges of OPTCL.
- Energy accounting.
- Matters relating to revenue earning sources for OPTCL like Grid Support Charges etc.
- Matters relating to Grid stability namely Reactive Power charges.
- Other miscellaneous matters.
Long Term Open Access (LTOA) Customers of OPTCL:
M/s Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) |