(A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking)
CIN No.:U40102OR2004SGC007553
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Page last modified on : 23/Oct/2021 11:26


The Telecom wing, Headed by C.G.M (Telecom) takes the responsibility of planning, design and execution of various projects to provide services like speech, data, Tele- protection signalling, Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition(SCADA) & various IT enabled services like ERP, AMI and video conferencing through its Wideband communication network through OPGW. Over the years Optical ground Wire(OPGW) communication has been adopted in most of its transmission line replacing old PLCC mode of communication.

R & M Activities of Telecom wing

Maintenance of various communication equipment including battery & chargers, EPAX etc are being done on regular basis by the Telecom personnel posted at grid s/s. Existing 500 line Telephone exchange along with associated lines installed at HQ office is being maintained by the Telecom wing. Besides this, following maintenance activities are also being carried out for equipment commissioned under different Project.

  • Maintenance of RTUs installed under ULDC Project .
  • Maintenance of SCADA/EMS System along with Video Projection System (VPS) installed at SLDC.
  • Maintenance of Wideband Communication System.
  • Maintenance of Auxiliary Power Supply Equipment.

Since " future is fibre" Transmission companies worldwide have been replacing their conventional ground wire by overhead fibre optic cables called OPGW. OPTCL has already laid around 5991 KM of OPGW for its speech , digital tele protection signalling , SCADA and IT enables services like ERP, AMI and Video conferencing etc . OPTCL is also earning a revenue of Rs 3.5 Crores by way of leasing out its dark fibres to operators like PGCIL , BSNL, LWTPL, Airtel. This lease amount will be enhanced progressively over the years as more ckt kms will be covered under OPGW.